FinTecubator Scholarship
To reward students who have enthusiasm and determination to bring positive impacts to the Hong Kong FinTech community.
1. The applicants can be local or non-local students.
2. The applicants should be registered students of the Master of Science in Financial Technology, in full-time or part-time mode of study.
3. The applicants must have attained a cumulative GPA of 3.3 or above by completion of at least two terms of studies.
4. The applicants must have completed the FinTech Project I & II (FTEC5910 & FTEC5920) or FinTech Internship (FTEC5540) offered by Hang Seng Bank in the same year of application. The minimum grade attainment of the project (both parts) or internship must be B or above.
5. Applicants must submit a presentation on their achievement and the most inspiring area/ experience, development throughout the FinTech project/ internship; the biggest challenge(s), opportunity (ies) and recommendations of FinTech development in Hang Seng Bank; future aspirations in terms of FinTech developments in Hong Kong; how would they make use of the scholarship if granted.
Scholarship Amount and Quota
The scholarship values HKD50,000 per awardee. The number of scholarships awarded each year shall be determined by the sponsor.
Application Procedures
Applicants should submit the completed application form, academic transcript and PowerPoint deck (English) to the Faculty Office, Faculty of Engineering in early September. (Exact date will be announced later)
Shortlisted applicants will be invited to attend a selection pitching with the sponsor. The decision of the sponsor is final and not subject to review, and the reasons for nominating, shortlisting, granting or refusing to offer an award will not be given.
About FinTecubator
FinTecubator, a Fintech incubator programme initiated by Hang Seng Bank, is a platform that enables intrapreneurs to share innovative start-up ideas and helps to nurture them with the resources from both inside and outside Hang Seng Bank to boost its launching. Deatils please refer to www.fintecubator.com.