Study mode Full time Part-time
 Normal duration 1 year  (maximum 2 years) 2 years (maximum 4 years)
 Tuition fee HKD 340,000 (subject to approval)

 (Once admitted: HK$170,000; 

 Year 1, term 2: HK$170,000)

 HKD 340,000 (subject to approval)

 (In four installments)

 Credit24 credits
 Programme   Structure 

  Three tracks are available for students to choose from depending on their interest and career aspirations:

 a) Course Track: 3 required courses + 5 elective courses*

 b) Practicum Track: 3 required courses + 4 elective courses* + 3 units of internship

  c) Industrial Project Track:  3 required courses + 3 elective courses* + 6 units of a 2-semester         industrial project

 *  Elective Courses in "Technology-Oriented Electives" and "Business / Application-Oriented Electives" only.

 Refer to Course list at

 ScholarshipRefer to
 Programme   featuresRefer to
 Application deadlines

 1st round: 9 October 2023

 2nd round: 20 November 2023

 3rd round: 27 December 2023

4th round: 19 February 2024

 Admission Requirements

In addition to the General Requirements and the English Language Requirements of the Graduate School, applicants are preferably to have:

•  Good knowledge of mathematics (such as calculus, linear algebra and probability) and proficiency in at least one modern programming language (such as C, C++, Java or Python) as shown on academic transcript(s).

•  Obtained a Bachelor's degree in Engineering, Science, Mathematics or Finance/Business-related discipline from a reputable university or equivalent professional qualifications.

Programme Leaflet