FinTecubator Scholarship is an entity-level innovation programme of Hang Seng Bank. After the signing of the MOU between CUHK and Hang Seng Bank, the Scholarship was established with the aim of nurturing the CUHK engineering students with outstanding academic performance.
YANG Yurong Royce, a Master of Science in Financial Technology student, was awarded the FinTecubator Scholarship 2020-21, offered by Hang Seng Bank. The Scholarship was presented to Royce by Mr. Nike Kong, Chief Information Officer of Hang Seng Bank at the CEFAR Awards Presentation Ceremony held on 2 November 2021. Below is her sharing on the internship experience.
Royce said, "The internship at Hang Seng Bank was an invaluable learning experience. In this internship programme, it provided me with an immersive experience in the real world, where I was able to observe situations that highlight inevitable distinctions between theory and practice. Through a series of fruitful discussions with the experienced mentors, I was inspired to create innovative solutions to solve problems by applying what I have learned from lectures. I also gained a lot from the working environment in the bank which helped promote colleagues to work as a team to achieve mutual goals. "
SHEN Tia Yan, a Master of Science in Financial Technology student , was the first recipient of the Scholarship. With her acute interest in finance, technology and games, she has actively participated in applied research and produced a financial game prototype, demonstrating her capability in this field. She learned how to integrate financial management into the game through technology. She also devoted herself to learning quantitative trading, artificial intelligence and financial knowledge. She aspires to establish her own startup company within the FinTech industry.

DBS FinTech Scholarship 2019/20
DBS Bank (Hong Kong) has donated a scholarship to MSc Fin Tech, CUHK to recognize students who have ambition and determination to make a big and positive impact on Hong Kong FinTech community, based on their academic achievements and ability, aspiration on development and application of Fintech in banking sector.
ZHANG Wenbin, Sophia was selected as the awardee of the DBS FinTech Scholarship 2019/20. She demonstrated well thought and aspiration on Fintech career, as well as comprehensive insights and knowledge of the market. She is well prepared for presentation and Q&A session and shows an overall great commitment and passion in Fintech. The award was officially presented to Sophia by Mr. Kosby Fu, Vice President, Group Strategic Marketing & Communications, DBS Hong Kong, at the Facutly of Engineering Awards Presentation Ceremony held on 5 June 2021.

The memorandum of understanding for collaboration between DBS Bank (Hong Kong) and CUHK Faculty of Engineering was signed on November 2019. It is a collaboration of the business and academic sectors to further foster digital innovation and academic strength, exploring more possibilities for the application of digital innovations.