Postgraduate Diploma in Financial Technology

 Study mode Full time Part-time
 Normal duration 1 year  (maximum 2 years) 1 year  (maximum 2 years)
 Tuition fee

 HKD 170,000 (subject to approval)

 (Once admitted: HK$85,000;  Year 1, term 2: HK$85,000)

 Credits 15 Credits
 Programme Structure 

Students are required to take 2 required courses and 3 elective courses.

On the satisfactory completion of the postgraduate diploma, student may apply to transfer to MSC in Fintech. PgD graduates who are admitted to MSc in FinTech can apply for course and unit exemption for up to 12 units (out of the 15 units graduation requirement).

 Refer to Course list at

 Application deadlines

  1st round: 7 October 2024

 2nd round: 18 November 2024

 3rd round: 30 December 2024

4th round: 6 February 2025

 Admission Requirements

 In addition to the General Requirements and the English Language Requirements of the Graduate  School, applicants are preferably to have:

•  Relevant job experience would be favourably considered.

•  Good knowledge of mathematics (such as calculus, linear algebra and probability) and proficiency in at least one modern programming language (such as C, C++, Java or Python). (Note: Applicants are required to provide supporting documents (e.g. certificate(s), course/ project information, etc) if relevant subject knowledge could not be evidenced by the academic transcript(s).)

•  Obtained a Bachelor's degree in Engineering, Science, Mathematics or Finance/Business-related discipline from a reputable university or equivalent professional qualifications.

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